@rgdraw I don't think i have a shortcut.. just spend lots of hours and look at lots of references. XD

Anyway, I'm finally done! Thanks to everyone for the support! <3

To be honest, the only reason I was able to do this very fast was because I did not have any work currently.. which is both a good and a bad thing.. XD

Congratulations! And Good luck! :+1:

As was expected: it's beyond awesome, not just the art itself but also the management of concept sheet and ideas. Im so jelous of you, but in a good way!
Wish you luck buddy! :sunglasses: :+1:

Really cool idea and awesome execution, also the Zerg vibes fit her so well, I wanna see her in a cinematic now :smiley:

Well, that's quality art right here. Good job and congratulations finishing the contest.

@posashkov @alecksandrs @gavnarrr
Thanks everyone! I'm really glad the reception is very positive.

Makes all my hard work worth it! I treated this like a real job assignment since I am basically unemployed as of the moment.. lol :joy:

@sparksofdawn Yes! I am so inspired by the epicness of Kerrigan that it really shows here in my art. I wanna imagine all of these in a cinematic too! :smiley:

Serious pretender here! All the best to you. :evergreen_tree:

I don't accept this answer give me your secret to be that fast!! xD

But more seriously, impressive work and congrats on finishing it! You're awesome ! :smiley:

Nice work! That's a seriously well-rendered illustration. I wish I had the skill to do that!

Congrats on finishing! And great work on the design and rendering.
I totally hear you about having more time to work on this challenge due to lack of work. I'm in that same boat with you... So good luck to both of us there! :wink: :+1:

That's amazing! Great atmosphere and composition and rendering and.... everything :grinning: She definetely needs her own cinematic like MOBA characters :wink:
Good luck! :+1:

Awesome work!
I really like how you played with the sillouettes and green shapes!

Thanks! again everyone! Really appreciate all the nice comments <3

@mdashow Good luck to us in finding work! lol I sometimes feel like the industry is getting saturated already.

@josedluna Yup, there are advantages in painting in silhouettes. Mainly, you can get an idea on how it will look like at a very early stage. The only issue with this process is that it makes it hard if you want to design stuff because you are managing shapes and colors and values all at the same time. Cheers!

Wowie. So glad I decided to check back on the contest entries tonight, cause yours was most recent! Top notch quality and loving the harmony, yet dynamicness, of the piece...! Really got me excited for sure, haha. Good luck on everything and hope to see some interesting results come end of the WAR! :smile: cheers-

Amazing, I love the final image! Very powerful and dynamic. I wish you the best of luck!!

12 days later

Ahah yes we can find some similarities between your works! Love the work you’ve done here, the composition, the color palette and the detail level, very sharp! I return the compliment; you have one of the strongest illustrations I’ve seen so far! Best of luck man!

Wow excellent job man ^^
Good luck !

So perfect composition :open_mouth: