Name: Iren Kharab

Side: Dark
Character Name: Ales

Skillful fencer and wiz. He uses his stone rapier, passing through it magical discharges. Still not known how he got into the human world. Can take a human face, if he needs to fool a wanderer who has come to him. Ales is not a city dweller and prefers solitude. If you disturb his quiet , you can say goodbye to your life.

Yeah You're participating again :smiley: I love your undead prince, he was a huge inspiration for me. The sketches are looking great so far. Please don't forget, your character have to show 90% (or 80%?) in the final illustration.

Love the personality and expression :smile: Kinda like a devil-vampire from his clothing and horns, haha.

I love this character design! You do such a great job with the expressions and looks like he could be a legitimate character from a movie or game. Keep up the great work!
I think a supporting character could add a lot to the final concept but its your decision.

Thanks :relaxed: . Of course, I'll make a full-fledged conception of the character)). Maybe I'll make a video about the process of creating an illustration.

Great color palette, costuming and expression. Really nice work so far!
Looking forward to more. Good luck and have fun! :+1:

Look great so far! The lighting is really nice!
Just remember you need to show at least 80%
of the character in the final picture.

Oh my god.
You sir are awesome, care to look at my thumbnails?
Looks great to me, I especially adore colors (that's my ultimate weakness).
So I hope I will get some good suggestions from you, once I will upload some serious greyscale images!
Keep up the good work and stay classy!

Heh, thank you. I decided to choose No. 5. For me, it seems most pleasing in color.

Yeah no. 5 works well tho. The left side looks little bit too empty for me, maybe you could add something in the background.

23 days later