Name: Tanya Bobrowski





Character: Ethereal Executioner

Team Light!

Hi everyone! :smiley: It's been a while since I've been here. Decided I'd actually enter one of these things. I entered one of the older contests a long time ago and I had a really good time :smile: It really pushed me to work harder, and it was nice getting advice from other artists :blush:

Here are some rough sketches of the character. Still not completely decided on their design yet.

Nice sketches! There's a really nice flow to them.

Thank you :smiley: It's something I've been trying to get better at.

Started experimenting with values now. I wanted to see how the glowing hood and body parts would look. Still not finalized on their design though. Mainly thinking of ways to change their lower half, and maybe add little details like some metal accessories or maybe some patterns for the fabric.

Some more concepts. Experimenting with different outfit designs. I'm thinking of something in-between the last two. Trying to get something that says "executioner" but also looks otherworldly, and has a nice flow to it so that their movements look cool.

I've also been trying to decide on what sort of composition I want to do. The last image is based on the last outfit design. The idea is that they use the ribbons or rope things to hold down their prey, then they go in with the axe. They then cleave not only the person's flesh, but also their soul, banishing them from the universe...or something like that anyways. xD

14 days later

Cool concept - reminds me a bit of Malthael from Diablo in a light version^^

Very bold colors, I like it!

Make sure you have the correct dimensions for your final image though. It must be at least 2048 x 2048.

Superb character ! but your background need more i think