Hi all!
I'm on the dark side. Good luck everyone! :imp:

Final Image

Detail Sheet

Personal details:

Name: Olga Anufrieva
Email: He77ga@mail.ru
Website: http://he77ga.ru
@Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/he77ga

ahhh man I look forward to your piece. Hopefully you can record it and put it on your youtube channel.
The dark side is the best side :smiling_imp:

Thanks! I will try.
It will be fun! :smiling_imp:

I personally prefer the one with the hair. very cool collage btw!

I think it depends on what you want to achieve. May I suggest to add more flowing parts (skirt, dress, cape, etc) if you decide to stick with the long hair version. However if you decide to go with the no hair version, I believe that more armor would be a great addition

Looking good so far. Correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like you working on the face some more. It looks nice.

@he77ga I've done the same for my character. Right now, I really like the face on the right. Keep up the good work.

Great work! But i think previous face was better. Good luck!

Those helmet details :yum: They look really nice.

Yep, that details on the helmet are ace. I like the overall design to.

Thanks guys! I'm glad you like it :blush:
some more details in progress