My absolute favorite. Beautiful work.

Congrats on the stunning piece! I really like the treatment of the bandage wear and tear. Well done! :grinning:

Absolutely stunning work! There is so much to love about her and your materials showcase her beautifully.

I'm incredibly curious how you were able to achieve such a gorgeous skin shader within Marmoset. I know the nice lighting plays a big part, but would you be willing to share your settings or a breakdown on that skin material?

Amazing work! the details on the armor are impressive,good luck :wink:

A great character in the end. Good luck!

First of all, thanks for sharing, your art is and your dedication on this piece is absolutely amazing, congratulations and very good luck, you are my favourite!

First of all, thanks for sharing, your art is and your dedication on this piece is absolutely amazing, congratulations and very good luck, you are my favourite!

Nice design Do you know how i can make an new post and not just edit my existing Post?

First of all, thanks for sharing, your art is and your dedication on this piece is absolutely amazing, congratulations and very good luck, you are my favourite!

Good job! :smile: FYI, you need to change the dimensions on your Final Image piece to 2048 in either the height or width. Right now it's 3000 x 3000.

Thanks guys! Good luck to all!
The competition is great! So many wonderful works! Thank you cubebrush for the fun!

Thank you so much! Skin shader settings are the correct textures I think. So I carefully adjusted each of textures.
I did the material like here

I think the size is ok..
๐Ÿ…ฐ Final Image
Dimensions: at least 2048 pixels in height or width - format of your choice

This is THE image to display your character in all its glory. The character has to be 100% 3D, but the background can be whatever you want.

All good. :smile: Thanks for the correction. 2048 was the minimum for the final piece. Re-read the requirements for posting requirements of the final image. :smile:

1 month later

Beautiful work! Mind if I ask your current workflow software? I'm studying to work in a studio but I'd say you're ready for sure! Oh never mind on the workflow software. I checked it out on your artstation! Keep up amazing work! =)