Final! I decided to go vintage HEAVY METAL MAG with the color and lighting for the final render.
2 headed zombie war troll. I knew I wanted something epic in scale and to produce it in a very specific style, combining bumpy, greasy and squishy organics with hard hammered iron armor. I decided to go with a creature and mythology I like very much, Norse trolls. I wanted to stay away from any typical troll concepts that I have seen before and to make sure it was on a large enough scale I gave him 2 heads, each with their own unique expressions and personalities.
The goals of the model was to produce stylized anatomy combined with realistic detailing. With an emphasis on his organic detail rather than the armor, which would be simpler or something which would have been made in ancient "Helheim" armory.
I worked out of symmetry as much as possible to give him a more natural and interesting appearance. Each head was modeled and detailed individually for uniqueness.
- Since he was a creature of the "DARK SIDE" I needed him to really show that he was more than a warrior or behemoth and that he infact was evil so I went towards the demonic side more horns and chains hell fire lighting. Tried to make him look dead, his flesh putrid and slightly rotting in color while still temporarily animated.
- Tried to give each head there own personality, as much can be shown with a toothy troll. Each bearing the wounds on their faces given to them by the other head. I imagined them always bashing into each other forever frustrated and furious;)
Well it was a huge learning curve would have done a hundred things different and got a chance to really use up the software involved. Thanks Cube Brush great comp and really good theme, an epic war between the dark and light really lets the imagination go wild! The hard part was knowing when to stop. 
creating my character from an existing story I began writing.