@questionmarks thanks, man. Nothing is colliding there if I understood what you meant. yeah, I wanted them to come out from two ends, I don't think I have seen that before, so just wanted to see how it looked, couldn't really imagine.
@malcom thanks, man. glad you like it.
@javi_oses thanks, I actually wanted them to look like insect legs, so I'm glad someone noticed
@adilorenzo thanks a lot, man!
@gesioh thank you!
@fantasymaster thanks! you might be right about them, but I don't really want to change anything, I actually wanted to fuse a demon with water creature
@oskarsdzenis thank you. there are 3 different spikes on the tentacles. I just created them as subtools, and just duplicated and placed them one by one, on one straight tentacle, then exported it to 3ds max, made 6 copies and using pathdeform made this form that you see. On the body, there are 2 other unique spikes, that I also placed one by one, and later tweaked them a little bit so they would look a little bit different.
@jeebs Nice progress on this piece! Have you thought about tilting the head a bit forward and her eyes looking up? Or the head tilted a bit up as she looks down with her eyes? Depending on whether you want her to have a more aggressive look or "you're beneath me" look? I think it would help compliment the nice pose you have.
Nice take on the tentacle legs coming out of the thighs!
14 days later
@brohmyr well I kind of thought to make her eyes black, so I don't know if it would matter where she looks, but thanks for the suggestion, it may have been better.
and here's a new update, almost done..
She looks absolutely fantastic. She is every sailors fear. Beautiful yet so dangerous. Reminds me a lot of Scylla minus the dog heads.
In my opinion she could use some scratches, scars or other damage. There is no way that a being that looks so powerful has never seen combat.
Other than that, i absolutely love how she looks
@jeebs Cool cool. And even with full black eyes (or other colour), you can still add through the eyelids and brows to hint at the eye direction because of how the shapes change and muscles in the face move. Looks awesome though. Great work!
ok, I think I'm done with this character..
thank you everyone for helping me out!
Name: Eduardas Lukosiunas
Email: ekjeebs@gmail.com
Website: https://www.artstation.com/jeebs
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But I personally think that you could push the colors quite a bit in your final image, it´s all in all too pale if you ask me. So maybe add in some more green, like this:
If you have Photoshop, do some Auto Color Correction or/and play around with your Hue and Saturation Levels. Anyhow, great great piece, love it!
(I can delete this post/picture if you would like me to for any reasons, no problem just contact me)
thanks for the tip @matteo
I made similar changes and let's call this a finish..
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