Name: Jean Diego
Last Update:
KM.mview (18.1 MB)

Hello everyone!
This is my first challenge to participate here, and for that I chose DarkSide,
I will create a demon called Khimaris, now a brief summary about it:
Khimaris, Marquis of Hell . Known as the sixty sixth demon, Marquis of Hell, from the first part of Lemegeto, is described as an excellent warrior, riding a black horse. Possesses the hability of locating lost treasures, teaching trivium (gramathics, logics, rhetoric) and making a man into a warrior, out of his own likeness. Was followed by twenty legions from Hell, untill he rebeled, oposing to direct orders that demanded the sacrifice of his men. Claming his legendary deeds, he went against his superiour and tried to performe a coup. Ridiculed and offended by other inferior demons, Khimaris failed, and as punishment, he was marked, burned and mutilated. They removed his index finger, as a lesson, to him and anyone else, to never point a finger at the superiour again. Under retaliation, Khimaris ran away from that hell house, in exile, performing evil deeds and searching for ways to overthrow the ones who disgraced him, no matter what allies, means and measureshe would need to take.

Reference Sheet:
Good luck to you all!