This is the final image of Reeah in all her glory, I'm representing team light, the edgy side of it at least.
And this is the Sketchfab version for closer inspection.
Reeah by VelissARTis on Sketchfab
I will also include the detail sheet here in case Sketchfab doesn't load for some reason.
Guys if you are also interested, since we got an extension please check out this animation I did with the characte so as to see the model and textures in action!
Athanasios Velissaris
Art By Athanasios Velissaris
Hey guys My name is Athanasios Velissaris, I'm a 3D Artist and I proudly present to you my submission in progress for the second installment of ArtWar
While my work is obviously still in development I would just like to upload some of my concepts and sculpts that I've been working on for the last month or so for my charachter Reeah. Based on a story idea that I've been having for the last 6 months, finally having the perfect opportunity
to realize it.
the concept art isn't final but it's good enough for me to vizualize the idea
And these are the sculpts, for now , ofcourse I think I speak for everyone when I say that the sculpts are the part of the process which is the most time consuming.
Just as a side note the final asset is going to be retopologized so Imagine it as a high fidelity game asset.
That's it for now guys any feedback is always welcome and please excuse the crappy concept art it is not meant to be top tier illustration or anything.
So with the timeline Extended to March 5, instead of presenting the final product I decided to share what I have been cooking this whole time, maybe I can share some of my kinda primitive techniques and in return ask for some feedback from you guys.
As I stated before I love doing game art so I decided to Retopologize the HighPoly by hand and as a result create some Mid poly asset nothing crazy optimised but still about just 100k polys and here are the results
In addition to the increased poly count in comparisson to my prevous pieces I decided that since this project was to be done in the UE4 completely, maybe I should include some Subsurface Scattering to it. Instead however of just baking a thickness Map since I always handpaint my skin heavily I decided to to use my red tint mask filtered through my skin mask to create my own thickness mask
And finally I felt that Reeah wouldn't be complete without some shhiny emissive FX on both her Sword and Wings to complete the Team Light look. The FX were something that I was planning from the very Begining but I wasn't sure if should just bake the in a single image or have them be animated. And well....
I decided to make it into animated sprite sheets for both and animate them through the flipbook node in the UE4. But wait you may say isn't the point of a flipbook to have some sort of an animation. Well who said it isn't....
Stay tuned for the conclusion, cheers
Here is Reeah in all her cyborg glory, I'm representing team light, the edgy side of it at least.***
Art By Athanasios Velissaris
Hey guys My name is Athanasios Velissaris, I'm a 3D Artist and I proudly present to you my submission in progress for the second installment of ArtWar
While my work is obviously still in development I would just like to upload some of my concepts and sculpts that I've been working on for the last month or so for my charachter Reeah. Based on a story idea that I've been having for the last 6 months, finally having the perfect opportunity
to realize it.
the concept art isn't final but it's good enough for me to vizualize the idea
And these are the sculpts, for now , ofcourse I think I speak for everyone when I say that the sculpts are the part of the process which is the most time consuming.
Just as a side note the final asset is going to be retopologized so Imagine it as a high fidelity game asset.
That's it for now guys any feedback is always welcome and please excuse the crappy concept art it is not meant to be top tier illustration or anything.
So with the timeline Extended to March 5, instead of presenting the final product I decided to share what I have been cooking this whole time, maybe I can share some of my kinda primitive techniques and in return ask for some feedback from you guys.
As I stated before I love doing game art so I decided to Retopologize the HighPoly by hand and as a result create some Mid poly asset nothing crazy optimised but still about just 100k polys and here are the results
In addition to the increased poly count in comparisson to my prevous pieces I decided that since this project was to be done in the UE4 completely, maybe I should include some Subsurface Scattering to it. Instead however of just baking a thickness Map since I always handpaint my skin heavily I decided to to use my red tint mask filtered through my skin mask to create my own thickness mask
And finally I felt that Reeah wouldn't be complete without some shhiny emissive FX on both her Sword and Wings to complete the Team Light look. The FX were something that I was planning from the very Begining but I wasn't sure if should just bake the in a single image or have them be animated. And well....
I decided to make it into animated sprite sheets for both and animate them through the flipbook node in the UE4. But wait you may say isn't the point of a flipbook to have some sort of an animation. Well who said it isn't....
Stay tuned for the conclusion, cheers
Jan 28, '18
last reply
Jan 29, '18