Hello guys!
I'm keeping busy with this model on these holidays!
In first I did a quick blockout of the entire model for find a good proportions and then I started to modeling the singles part of the armor.
For now Im focusing on the chest part,as you can see the abdominal and the head are too rough , they still need a lot of work.
I hope like you
Hello guys!
Here some screen from my 3ds max viewport, I almost finished the top parts like the chest and arms, but there is still alot to work on...
For this model I'd like to keep a clean geometry and sharpen edges to be able to sculpt on later...

Here a some examples of the armor I made
I hope you like it
Nice and clean. I think you can add more scratches in areas like the top of the skull. This prop has an nice overwatch appeal to it in my opinion. You didn't make an book prop in your concept so I just don't know where you'll be adding it, but it looks awesome. Did you render these shots in keyshot?
Cool material. Reminds me of the overwatch characters. Did you make it yourself? If yes, let me steal it
Keep up the good work man.
Hello Malcom,thank you for the feedback, always welcome;)
I have something in mind for the book ^^.
I'm doing some changes of the design during the modeling, this is because I want to add new ideas , and do not follow the concept in details.
Here you can take the matcap http://www.mediafire.com/file/uktb7abg134xsis/clay_render.rar