Wow! Awesome concept! I like it!!!

Cool stuff!!! I look forward to continue!)

So far it's looking good. I like the little scratches you added so far. Nice work. Nothing much to say for now.

Hello Guys!
thanks to all for the comments:)
Nothing of special, just a quick update.
I did a few changes of design on the armor and I still working on the general proportion.
I hope you like it ,see you soon :grin:

Great concept. Top notch work so far!

Awesome stylization! I like it!

Nice and clean. This gets better every update man. Nice tip on your workflow. I'm really bad at retop in zbrush.

Nice and clean. I think you can add more scratches in areas like the top of the skull. This prop has an nice overwatch appeal to it in my opinion. You didn't make an book prop in your concept so I just don't know where you'll be adding it, but it looks awesome. Did you render these shots in keyshot?
Cool material. Reminds me of the overwatch characters. Did you make it yourself? If yes, let me steal it :grin:
Keep up the good work man.

Here new update.
I almost done all pieces of the armor, probably the head and the hands will take me a long time , then I will add all the details scratches, etc. in zbrush
I hope you like it :smile:

Looking awesome. Every update, the more badass the character gets. Thats for the clay render as well. As always I look forward to further updates. Keep up the good work.