I meant to save a few other progress snap shots but ended up really putting my head down the last few days and punching out a lot of this. So far I'm pleased with how they're turning out I might still work on more armor/clothing/decorative elements, but I'm unsure of what I want to do just yet.

15 days later

I finished my character sheet i believe and i'm happy with the choices i've made for this.

I also got a large portion of the illustration done but i'm just severely unhappy with it. I'm just really not happy with the motion and the overall feel of the piece so i'm going to scrap and start new.

Another small progress update!
I'm already much happier with this one compared to the last one, it feels a lot looser and holds more of the feeling that i wanted to capture with the character.
Still have to nail down the colors and lighting, but i feel it's really starting to come together more!

worked out a few kinks that i had in the posing and also modifying the style slightly, the full painterly style wasn't pulling across the details like i had hoped and it's looking as clean as i wanted it to.

thought it looked a bit empty and wanted to show more that he is in a temple/cathedral. gotta work a few more kinks out with the windows but it helps f ill the space alot more