Name: David Villegas ( Deiv Calviz )

SETTING: Fantasy / Medieval
NAME: Amanith City


Amanith is known for it's huge stone arches and simple dome structures. The market city of Amanith is where races from all around the world gather to trade all sorts of goods. Amanith is ruled by the wealthy trading barons living on the highest parts of the terrain with flying ships to quickly traverse the skies. Ironically, The town is entirely dependent on outside support to survive because of the barren terrain and occasional sand storms.

Final Illustration:

Concept Sheet:

Thanks for viewing and good luck to everyone who entered!

Here are my initial thumbnails done in procreate. I'm leaning on number 13 because of the wild and interesting shapes. The arches can be like those found in the movie Avatar. Then I can add medieval structures maybe similar to Lindblum in Final Fantasy 9 then a market below with various people and creatures. There will be floating ships too!

I got excited and did a colored sketch... Not yet sure about the buildings so I will go back to sketching some building designs then I will incorporate them here. I'm trying to just make this process organic by adding stuff on top so I can maintain the energy of the sketch.

16 days later

There's little i don't love about this. The idea, the flying ship, the blue "giraffe", the colour palette - very much looking forward to more!

I love the colours in your initial sketch, and you've got some interesting shapes going on in the building silhouettes. At this point I can't really pin point any specific changes that would improve your image, so I'll just look forward to further updates from you!

After a lot of struggling.. It's finally done! I will update the top post with the description of this scene.

I'm happy with what I was able to achieve in this because I used a different process in this image than what I am used to. Instead of layering each element separately like usual, my mindset for this was just laying paint on top of each other while rarely using the eraser tool. This process enabled me to mix around the colors in the canvas until I find happy accidents. Although it looks a bit more brushy than my usual stuff, this process is really organic and fun to do.

Wow! I really really like this, so full of life! Something that I found out in this contest myself, is how I am used to work in many layers and sometimes that causes me problems of disconnection between the various elements. Once the contest is over, I 'll dive right into your approach here, working on one or two layers only and not relying much on the Ctrl+Z tool.
Good luck, I hope you do well in the contest :smile:

Thanks a lot for the kind words! Yup I recommend this process but I want to clarify too that it doesn't necessarily mean less layers. Like you can keep adding layers on top and not looking back on older layers or merging them soon.. then if what you added didn't work out, you can just delete that topmost layer. I learned this process from Craig Mullin's patreon actually. He does things like that and its more fun.

Yeah that's kinda what I had in mind. Also, I had no idea Craig Mullins had a patreon, I must as well check that out!

Really love your color at your final result. Hope u the best man...