Hello thakis
Personally I liked your progress, but I believed you needed to improve further. Ranarh's opinion above told you better than me..
Personally I also had my opinion here...
First, I love your color choice, it made me remembered some old oil paintings in an art gallery, I also love your sun light fell in the ground, and make a nice shadow in the left side.
However, I guessed you made some mistakes here.. In my opinion, you had problem with scale. The left people seemed too big and unmatched with overall images.. Perhaps, you should reduce it. Mirroring your left guy, also will lead viewer eyes to your vocal point, the dragon tower. Currently, it seems he has his own business, and it is not a part of your story..
Adding distance between your main ground and background will also improve your image. It will create this image has a sense of depth.
Your left purple castle, it blurred your focal point. If I were you, I would add blue color, similar color like your sky color with soft brush to create a sense of distance at the area around of your purple castle.
All in all, I have never thought to hurt you with my words. However, I suggest you to trial and error more. Practices will guide you to the next level. Cheers...
Keep it up man,
thank you
Hebron PPG