Hi everyone!
unfortunately, I was able to start with my entry just a few days ago. But it was fun and I want to share the result with you guys.
While I was thinking about the challenge, I was heavily inspired by the old mesopotamian cultures around 7.000 years ago. Besides the facinating facts around their existance, there are a huge amount of legends and theories, that they had contact with alien species, which helped them so create the first high culture on earth. I thought that could be a cool starting point.
My idea was to show the moment of destruction, which has been forseen by the highpriests of my fictional sumerian city. They used their secret and sacred knowledge from their alien-guided anchestors and built spaceships to escape the destruction and start over somewhere far away.
So the end of the old world actually didn't take place yet, but the foreseen knowledge of its appearence has forced them to create a new form of civilsation.
I tried to capture the last moment of peace. The sun is shining on the vast city and the ordinary people do not know the end is near. But this peace is already breaking apart. Crushed by the burning "tears of the gods".
I wanted to mix the one of the oldest cultural assets of mankind with some of its newest.
So I used the old architecture from the sumerian citys (Ur, Uruk), Babylon and our spaceships from today. I like this contrast.
I streched the topic, but I hope you like the result
Final Painting:
Personal Details:
- Dominik Mayer
- dominik.t.mayer@gmail.com
- https://dtmayer.artstation.com/
- https://twitter.com/_Dominik_Mayer_
- https://www.facebook.com/dom.may.7
Oct 17, '17
last reply
Oct 17, '17