Thanks for sharing your view, and it's true focusing on one thing makes you improve faster, what I am specifically targeting is :
Start and finishing a project. Which Jake Parker talks about, and some others. Because whether you continue practicing now, or later, you will forever be practicing the craftmanship, over and over again, whether you're 5 years, 10 years or even 60 years in with any craft.
However from what I am reading, you already have a test system in place, like immediate testing to see how much of the knowledge you still retain, which is what I was referring to as well. Glad to see peoples aren't mindlessly studying without application.
Since studying is one thing, applying what you're learning is another thing, which in turns allows it to stick in your creative bank account.
Anyway, not going to bombard your thread with my ramblings, as someone continue to progress throughout the route of craftsmanship for any craft, they will tweak their own approach towards learning or even creating something.