here are some sketches from life from the other day
i love sketching from life and i feel its good for my visual library so im trying to keep it up

Hello and welcome to the forums!
Really liked your personal concepts. Hoping to see more in this blog!

Nice sketches, I find it impressive how light you are with the pen. And the fact that you draw with a pen at all. I'm scared of mistakes, so i need my eraser.

EDIT: And the stuff on your site, godamn

Hello and welcome!

Love those boot sketches! :smiley:

2 months later

hello thx for the warm welcome everyone,

had been some time already
heres some studies, later will post other stuff.

the pencil ones are from life, had a blast sketching on live sessions, always so much fun, wanna keep making that.

the ink is a studie as well, trying to get the gasp of inking, so many styles out there.

geez why so big the files ha gotta resize.
the project im now is this sort of creepy stuff with this sort of block in style.

im really trying hard but having a hard time at do better inkings, its easy when i study, not easy when do from imagination

29 days later

so many things happening, and here i am with alot of chuncks to chunck on,
i would really like to stop time and just get things done, or throw myself in a cave and just get shit done(i really had been thinking about this last one).

anyways i need to start sessions of studies on focused things and i want a place to post that kind of nerdy fundamentals stuff, (where is everyone posting that stuff nowadays cant see too much of that anywhere?)

its still not gonna be now since i have work to do, but perhaps i can start sneaking in some stuff while working,


from personal art: had been trying some ancient culture outfits and method of work

study stuff from life mostly, not exactly to improve, mostly to get going i guess.

I defiantly love how well structured your subjects are.