Term 2 - Week 1
Not much to show, not too many assignments this week.
I gotta be honest. The pen tool was incredibly frustrating for me haha. I understand it can be a powerful tool to use but thankfully I don't see me needing to use it too much in the future. Also, it looks like a child made this.
I wasn't sure how much time we should spend on the self portrait so this was done fairly quickly. I wanna say less than an hour? Not too into the shading but I'll try a different method on the 2nd one at the end of the term.
Anynoodle, that's it for the first week!
Week 2 of Term 2 is almost done. I just need to de a few more of the daily studies to finish the sheets up, I'll post them when they are all complete. For now, here are the head copies.
I tried to pay extra attention to the artist's brushwork. Switched a lot between opacity and size jitter for the pen pressure on some of them. It was good practice for line hierarchy. There are some discrepancies in proportions but I usually noticed them too late (too lazy) to do much about it haha. As long at they don't look wonky I guess its fine, right?
Unrelated but ahhh...how do you change your username on this forum?
Hope everyone is doing well!
I had the same problem with my username; you can ask for help with it in this thread: Help with changing username
Thanks @Pattu_w and @lucretia.vastea! I appreciate the encouragement.
Sweet, I'll check it out. Thanks @ZekeDraws!
Here's the rest of week 2!
2 Min gestures
It took me awhile to realize I was making the linework WAY too chonky. Not very satisfied with them but luckily I get another go at them next week.
Some head studies.
I took Esben Lash's "How to Draw the Head From Imagination" course right before this one so I got relatively comfortable with them. I noticed he and Marc have slightly different proportion mapping for the head though. I'm going to have to do a bunch of side-by-sides with the same poses to see how much it ends up effecting the final image.
That's it - thanks for stopping by!
12 days later
Week 3...is finally done.
10 Min Gestures
Shapes n' stuff
Some heads
Character Heads
Portrait study
And that's it!
I am realizing as I post this that I totally forgot to draw the individual features of the face. I'll try to cram that into this coming week.
So I realized this week I may be a little too ambitious with these assignments. It's not a terrible thing - I enjoy spending time on them. The problem is when I can't finish them all in a week I start stressing out haha. I guess I'll just have to be more mindful of that moving forward. Last thing I want to do is start falling behind which will trigger a lack of motivation. Gotta keep moving forward.
Thanks for stopping by and reading my ramblings!