week 1 assigments.

9 days later

11 days later

character lineart study from professional artists 1/5.
artist name eo58/mw58 on youtube.
this was such a hard study for me and im happy with the result. it took me like 3 days to finish and i still have to do 4 more studies.

lineart study 4/5. artist name: deariyue.

All the 5 lineart studies. learned a lot from these studies and i actually can see how my line confidence is improving. can´t wait to see what the other weeks and terms have to offer.

Proportions practice, im not quite happy with the result because something seems off and i couldn´t figure it out, anyways this was still a good try.

first enviroment donee, it was hard but i wanted to push myself on this one.

besides my daily gestures i took the time to do a random practice and did a value study afterward, learned a lot and still dont understand most of the things lol but its the first one so it turned out ok.

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