Yeah I think @Meriem1986 is right. You probably can crop the picture just a little bit tighter. I also noticed there's a lot more contrast on the child and along the leg that's closest to her. That tells me, its probably where the focal point is, but overall lightness of the picture does make it difficult to notice it. Maybe have a light source shining down on the girl and making everything else a bit darker. By doing that I think you can make the mask of the rider glow a bit stronger thus accentuating the sinister nature of the rider. I also think there's a little too much detail on the back of the beast, maybe soften the edges out and that will make the glow of the coins more obvious. I'm not sure if its a coin the girl is handing out but sure seems like it (also is she bleeding from her arm?). Overall what I'm trying to say is the picture is just a little bit too light and could use some more contrast by giving a shine of light (probably daylight shining from above) on the girl while making everything else a bit darker expect for the points of interest (the aqua glow of the mask and coins, also the beast's eyes)
I do like the color choices though, especially love fact the child is wearing blue and so is the glow from the mask, I somehow feel there's a connection with that, not sure what it is. Maybe next time out some more context on what the story you're trying to tell?
Keep up the good work!