Hello, wom1998!

Your work is looking pretty good so far. I would start concentrating on the wings and bring those into focus. After tightening up the wings, re-assess the piece and decide your next step.

I have to kind of disagree here. Not that what you're saying is wrong, but that I think Wom1998 is looking for advice on the general direction of the piece, rather than the polish and rendering part of it.

I can see why you're looking for direction, cause I am kind of lost myself when looking at this. The wings show that the character is angelic, yet he wears quite regular clothing, or perhaps a bit more gothic from the middle ages variation from that. The background doesn't give me that much either, it doesn't tell me where he is or what he is doing.

As the piece stands, it's not saying very much. What is your original vision for it? For example, do you intend this to be a sort of angel that is coming down from heaven? If so, perhaps adding a sky-looking background would help. Or is he landing close to a town or just the ground? The pose isn't very effective at telling us what is going on either. I think you'll have to think a bit about what is actually going on in here before getting back into it. So, maybe this is an angelic warrior that has just landed at hells gate. In which case, you can have a more aggressive pose that shows the angels fierce expression, with wings arcing to dampen as much of the fall as possible. The character could hold a sword or something that would help it fight, and the background could be that of hells gate or something alike.

Either way, this was just an example, and I am not advising you to actually do this. But, that you think of a scenario or story, that will make it far easier on you when making it!

( Jumps aggressively through window ) THEREEES NO NEED TO FEAAAAAAAAR EXOFLEY IS HEREEEE!!!! ( trips on ego ).... Ahem. I do believe you beckoned? By the gods traveler! it seems your in quite the bind, don't worry I shall assist you!

Overall Concept

Now mah' main man @achronic just threw down a knowledge bomb I was about to drop let's see if I can give bring even more insight to this. From my perception before I even read your spiel I could tell you'd forgotten your general idea and that's fine. It's good you stopped now to reflect actually because theres a saying that kind of goes like this.... " If your having a problem in the third act the problems in your first". Generally what I mean is your initial concept is what's holding you back right now.

( I want of you to think of a story regarding this piece, something else holding this piece back for me are the wings. I feel like you added them but you really didn't remember why you wanted them.)

  • Now tell me, When you see this what do you think of? as it stand right now I can't really think of anything but once I start taking contradicting elements away from this piece it comes to life. Say for example the wings as I just said. I see a thief running away from pursuers or a messenger delivering some extremely important information. Take from it what you will but taking away elements can give you a better idea of where you currently stand.

( When I was giving those examples I also noticed how lacking your facial expression is, It too adds to the confusion of the viewers perception. Overall I want you to take elements away and think about concepts and think about how they'd affect your work.)

  • you can also add elements but right now I think it'd be better taking away at the moment but as always I wish you the best on your artistic journey throughout the realm of Cubebrush!

Exofley, Signing out.

@exofley @achronic Hey guys, thanks for the advice. I've been kinda into speed painting lately as it yields quick results and gives a snapshot of my current skill. This painting started as a speed paint, so far I've only put in 1.5-2 hours. However, I decided to pause and put some thought into it because I really didn't like the direction I was heading. As both of you pointed out, the character has no purpose and is very bland. Exofley, very insightful comment regarding the wings. I actually just quickly added them to try to add more to the painting. My original vision was to make this like a desktop wallpaper: textured, plain background with a lone character. I don't want to add a full background, both because this is going to be more of a quick painting and because it ins't in my original idea but I will definately spend some time brainstorming about this characters story and purpose.

Thank you both for your input. :smile: