Title is pretty self-explanatory. How do you warm up and get into the mood of doing art? I personally don't have much in terms of warming up my creativity. I usually just go from doing nothing to trying to paint with some sort of goal in mind.

Do you have any exercises you like to do before you start doing some serious artwork, something to get your creative juices pumping?

Some exercises I consider as warm ups are :
Gesture Drawing
Shape Drawing
Form Drawing
Imagination Drawing

The ones I do the most currently is Thumbnails, the ones I did the most in the past was Gesture/shape/form Drawing.

But I still do them from time to time even if I am focusing mainly on landscapes. The warm ups usually last for an hour or two hours. Bobby chiu talked how he used to do 4 hours warm ups in one of his videos.

But yeah. That's the things I do to get in the drive. I don't always do them, sometimes I just get right into the project I am doing.

Interesting question! Because I found that I don't do any warm-ups actually.. I just go painting or working on a (3D) project. I do make a little lists of plans for 3D, since it's usually a big project and if I live stream, I want to be prepared.

@brianhermelijn I like your exercises, maybe it's good to do so.

Mostly imagination drawing for me or doing some quick studies

I just make a cup of coffee, and until I finish drinking it, I just make random little characters, not trying to make them good, or anything, but maybe funny or ugly,
Like Mr. Businessfish over here.

2 months later

I rarely do a warm up but found it helpful when my hands are shaking... There are days when i do lots of physical work and it is difficult to switch to light "work" that is drawing. What i do are straight lines-making two dots and connecting them with a line. Do another two and connect again. I make the every next two dots further apart. It takes a few mins, and once the lines get straight i am ready to draw...