So, ahem... Hi all, I am new here pretty much (though I have been checking this community for a while now), an extremely lazy thing I am, been trying to get properly to drawing so many times, but each time was stressing over both life and whatever I drew. Today I decided to start it over again, and to make it more serious this time, I will post this here, so there are witnesses and I cannot escape anymore.
Buuuut I am really struggling now. I see stuff is off (clavicle for sure, probably many more things) and I don't know anymore how to fix it (blame my slacking at anatomy classes back in school and extreme heat, seriously, it is so hot that I want to sleep in refrigerator this night). So I would be very happy if someone could help me improve this and my skills in general.
Maybe I should just dress her in some heavy armor and just wing it xD

I am guessing I need to move the clavicle a bit more down? Perhaps that will look better and more correct

Hello risudesu

The upper acromium process is comprised of several functioning pieces including the clavicle.

So the clavicle interacts with the neck muscles, trapezius, deltoid, pectorals and shoulder blade muscles. If all of those interlocking functions are correct we will see a correct clavicle.

Here are some pinterest refs

This is the closest video I could find from Proko.

Congratulations on starting again. Its hard to focus with lots going on and stuff bothering you. Get comfortable and make it something that you enjoy. Its a long road and when you learn to draw anatomy you can learn to draw anything else.

Learn the hard way. Just winging it and covering up and hiding mistakes can only get you so far. No knowledge or not fixing errors in your own work will hinder you in the future.

Try a few more studies and redo your piece.

and post your studies! :smile:

O M G, that is so awesome! Thank you a lot for your advice and overdraw! Gonna do that, as well as, I guess, do more anatomy studies too :smile: I will post it once done. Thanks again!

Your best is all you can ask for! These look great for your first three!