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Thanks everyone!
DAY 1: DREAM. Starting off strong, but simple (since I still not the best at drawing drapery haha)This one is a reference to Dark souls 3
Very cool!
Really nice! I like these skulls
Nice! great detail on all those skulls, with the lines textures and dust efects.
Thank you guys!
Looks awesome!
Inktober day 2: SPIDERS!This one feels a bit incomplete without color, so I'm probably gonna do that next month or whenever I have nothing to do. So far I haven't feel the need to use halftones, but for the next drawing I'm planning to use some.
yooo that is so detailed!
Man that looks so good! Is it from imagination? It's so incredibly well detailed!
Holy crap!
Great job on the textures!
Thanks a lot guys! And yeah it's from imagination. I've had the idea of drawing a Vine/plant Spider for a while, so I'm glad I could revisit the idea for Inktober.
This is awesome ! Love the branch-like legs on the spider.
Now, that's absolutely terrifying, really great work.
Thank you guys for the Hype! Here's Day 3: Path of the undead. another dark souls reference. Im gonna be honest I'm not super happy with this one because I had a lot of difficulty drawing the little guy on the hill. But meh, I just wanted to finish it.
Dark souls 😃
that looks super dynamic!
its so symmetrical (vertically and horizontally) (in a good, ratio way) yet has enough uniqueness that its not a carbon copy
i like it!
Looks great man! the screentone gives the bird a really nice contrast
Looks great! Bird is really nice!
Inktober day 4: whatever this is. I kinda enjoy creature design a lot more than character design. Maybe next year I could invest more into that. Next time I'll start sharing the sketches or maybe some [work in progress] pics too, just to make it more interesting.
what an interesting snail