Hi there! I'm not sure i ever introduced myself in here, so let's do it ^^
My name is Florent Mounier, my nickname is MoonYeah!!
Here's my Artstation : https://www.artstation.com/moonyeah
I'm a french freelance artist, and i've been looking for a place to share my work and get constructive feedback, i've tried many FB groups, been on some other forums and i always found that it is hard to find a community that is "still alive" but in any case, i keep trying to find one ^^
I've recently participated in the ArtWar3 and i thought "hey why not give that cubebrush forum a chance?"
I love to help people with their art, doing paintovers and sharing advices, and i remember the good old times before facebook when the only places where artists could meet online were art forum XD
Like i said in the beginning, i'm a freelance artist, but i'm still trying to improve a lot, i found that it is hard to keep going forward and improving when you suddenly get in that kind of middle area of "you're not a beginner anymore, but not quite one of the super pros either" or what other artists call the "plateau"
I hope that joining this community will help in going through that infamous plateau and get to the next big leap.
And of course, just like with peer to peer, the more we give the more we receive, i know that quite well ^^
See you everyone!!