Hello everyone! :smile:

I'm Jan-Alfred (I use Jabbiz) and I'm from Norway. I'm pretty new to art and drawing, and I've been looking for a good structured path to follow for years, but I haven't found one that really sticks to me. I came across this course from one of Proko's vids and here I am! And being a Blizzard fan it was a no brainer haha.

So starting pretty much from scratch going into this, I hope that in a couple years I'll be good enough to design and create my own characters and creatures and worlds, but we'll see how that goes :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways, that's it for an intro, I guess this will be my journey thread and maybe some progress will show, I at least hope so :smiley:

Welcome to the forum! can't wait to see how you progress and what you end up creating.

Thank you!

Ive been doing the term 1 assignments and thought i could post some here, as i'm sure there's lots of improvements to be made :smile:

How does these look? :smile:

Those look good I will say that you should be careful about the cross contour line on the cylinders in the third pose(on the right). The lines that show the roundness of the cylinder in the reference are more exaggerated in their curve compared to what you have on the thighs and left arm. That's what stuck out to me but otherwise, they look solid. keep up the good practice!

Thanks for the feedback! :smiley:

I've just started the measurement chapter and drew my first attempt, and wanted to share it, as I was genuinely surprised by how it turned out! I've never done such a drawing before, so this was very fun! It's not anywhere near perfect, and it's a lot of errors and flaws in the drawing (don't look at the nose lol), but I thought I'd post it here since it was the first one and so I can easier see improvements as I go! :smile:
This was very difficult to do, but it was a lot of fun!

19 days later

I've been practicing some more measurement assignments and started the 1 point perspective assignment. I don't have a tablet just yet (I have ordered a huion tho!) so doing it on paper, which is a nightmare haha. I am terrible at adding things as I don't currently know how to draw props like screens or soda cans or blankets or things like that, so my room is very empty right now. But it's coming together I think :3

when it comes to drawing props you can pretty much break them down into basic forms(cubes, cylinders, etc.) first drawing a bounding box that your item sits in and then carving out certain shapes or rounding certain corners to get the desired prop most of the time. your room looks good so far as well keep up the good practice!

Thanks for the tips :smile:
I finished the one point perspective drawing, I also got my huion tablet so I tried to do it digitally. I enjoyed it a lot, but struggled with filling the room with stuff, so I left it open. I need moar experience I think haha :smile:

This is a great job at the exercise! In the future maybe avoid placing objects in line with the vanishing point (like that box on the top of the drawing) because the edge can become hard to read.