As you already know, we love this piece. Would you mind elaborating and breaking down the steps you did in each software? I'm getting into 3D, and it would be really helpful if I can understand the steps and approach. Thank you Jacob!

There it is! Looks really awesome and it's much better now that you brightened it up! As it has been mentioned before, I'd also love to see the progress since you used so many different programs to create that artwork!

This is super good, I would love to know how to use all these 3D programs haha
Can I ask what Is your goal with this portfolio? Like for what job or maybe where you would like to work one day.
I also like your signature on the piece itself! Simple but very appealing.
Waiting to see your next pieces! :grin:

Means a lot to hear that you enjoyed this piece.

Yeah sure, so i did the basic blockouts in maya aswell as the UV's. I sculpted the heart in Zbrush then i retopolised it in maya. Then i took the low poly models into zbrush and carved in details that i wanted to be baked in. After that i took the models and baked the maps in either substance painter or marmoset. After i textured everything in substancepainter i set up the scene i marmoset aswell as doing the final render. The last step i did was the 2D styalized fires. And last but not least brightening up the whole piece. :smile:

I'd love to work as either 3D concept artist or 3D enviroment artist or prop designer. I love styalized art so i'd love to work for Stunlock studios or everyones favorite, blizzard entertainment.

I've posted my method in Wierdowl's reply. Hope it clears up some things for you guys :smile:
If you have anymore questions about 3D feel free to message me. I'd be happy to answer your questions.

Great! Thank you. We now have a go-to person for all the 3D questions! :smile:

Thanks for the answer Jacob!! Can I ask also where did you get all this knowledge in the 3D field? Some online courses or a school? maybe you're a self-taught I don't know :joy:

I'm self thought. I started my 3D studies almost exactly one year ago.
Ofcourse i've taken a handfull of online 3D courses along the way. Some long, some short. All very focused on what the needs i felt i had.

I really recommend Michael Pavlovich Zbrush course and also FlippedNormals maya course. Or if you're on a budget find some good Blender course.

I really like CG Geek online tutorials on YouTube for Blender 3D. One of these days I'll finish his class for building Darth Vader helmet.... :joy:

I wish all the luck to you!
May i ask what your ambitions are with the art school program. Would you like to work in a special industry or is more for hobby?

I want to be Marc! Minus the bald. :joy: Well, more like a video game concept artist.