More composition studies from today:
These really help with learning to see shapes instead of lines.

And laying the groundwork for a new illustration.
This guy was inspired by germanic corn spirits/demons. Research was a lot of fun, although it wasn't so easy finding sources. And books are expensive haha
Not totally sure about the composition yet.

Looks really amazing and interesting. Can't wait to see you progress with it :smile:

Some botched head studies from today. Next time maybe actually try to construct the features haha

And an update on that corn demon.

Started out as a warm up, but ended up liking it a lot and adding a new portrait every day.

Characters are from my graphic novel that is still waaaay down in pre-production.

Welcome to Cubebrush~

You got some really good works here ^^ Your composition studies are inspiring and refreshing to see, and your illustration is coming along nicely. I hope to see more of your work here! [:

Hello, and thank you C: I'll try to post my daily practice stuff, let's see how that goes ^^

Illu update
Put some color on it and started painting, but I still feel like it's missing something...

great job so far on it! one thing i could say is that you could blur the foreground tree and grass at the bottom to pull in the focal point even more to the characters :smiley:

Hi there!

Your work is amazing! Incredible what you can do with women's faces! And the environment! The only thing i would say that stands out with being just okay instead of great like the rest is the wolf with it's tounge out... It seems more stylized than the rest of the image.

I would love to see the graphic novel that is way down in pre-production. By the portraits you posted, you have a green light;) awesome work!

Keep it up!

Thank you!!
And thanks for the feedback! Yeah you're right about that wolf, I was struggling with it and then ran out of time. Next time I'll do some studies before jumping right into it!

I've scrolled through the portfolio. I don't think there is anything i can say about the art itself, it's just awesome.
I like the way you kept the whole thing simple, clean and easy to look at and still understandable what is what!

I watched a podcast on portfolio tips that i would recomend to everyone who wants to submit a portfolio at some time-some stuff i didn't even think about and they really make sence. But instead of thinking about them on your own, let someone who knows, tell you;)
It is longer than i remember but i still think it's worth listening:)

Thank you so much! I guess studying graphic design came in handy at least :,D
And thanks for the link, I will definitely listen to the podcast!

I love the little touches like the bells tied to the dragon's horn, and the wheat and straw on the Midday Man.

Hi guys, I know it's been a short pleasure, but a friend of mine invited me to join her forums over at sketchlab, and I'll migrate my sketchbook some time next week.
See you all around!

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