Hi there! I'm a self taught artist from Austria. I recently graduated from a 3-year graphic design course, but my true love has always been illustration. That's why I decided to take the plunge and study hard to make it work.
I've been drawing digitally since I was 14 (and just horses - thanks, past-me), but only been taking it seriously for about 3-2 years now.

I'm new to this whole forum-experience, but I hope it'll be a lot of fun!
And since this is a study blog, please feel free to critique the shit out of everything.

Thanks for stopping by!

Some of last year's stuff:

A new illustration I've been working on. It's almost done, but something still irks me, mostly about the composition. It's also still missing some shadows.
I'd be grateful for any kind of tips!

(And yeah, she totally fell off afterwards.)

Amazing work! And welcome to the forums =)

Your work is so good :smiley: I hope to be able to draw like this one day. Super keen to see more!

Aw thanks so much! I'm 100% certain you will =D

Some tone&composition studies from today:

Hi Janna! Welcome to the forums. You're work looks amazing and I'm looking forward to see more :smile:

Welcome to the forums Janna! Your works are looking great so far, especially your first post! Keep it up!

More composition studies from today:
These really help with learning to see shapes instead of lines.

And laying the groundwork for a new illustration.
This guy was inspired by germanic corn spirits/demons. Research was a lot of fun, although it wasn't so easy finding sources. And books are expensive haha
Not totally sure about the composition yet.

Looks really amazing and interesting. Can't wait to see you progress with it :smile:

Some botched head studies from today. Next time maybe actually try to construct the features haha

And an update on that corn demon.

Started out as a warm up, but ended up liking it a lot and adding a new portrait every day.

Characters are from my graphic novel that is still waaaay down in pre-production.

Welcome to Cubebrush~

You got some really good works here ^^ Your composition studies are inspiring and refreshing to see, and your illustration is coming along nicely. I hope to see more of your work here! [:

Hello, and thank you C: I'll try to post my daily practice stuff, let's see how that goes ^^

Illu update
Put some color on it and started painting, but I still feel like it's missing something...