Hello fellow art school students,
I’ve been drawing with traditional pencils as hobby for quite a few years now, but it’s always been in a very sporadic manner. At some point I’d eventually get started on a drawing, find it really enjoyable and question why I’d left it so long since the last time I drew. A year later I’d find myself thinking, “I really should do another drawing”.
I did think that spending the entire year working from home under Covid restrictions would allow me to find more time to dedicate to art, but it’s amazing how work can permeate your entire day when your office is in the next room.
I decided I needed some accountability to make sure I found the time each week to dedicate to artwork, so here I am. Having never actually had any art lessons, I also figured that learning from the fundamentals would help me to develop my abilities past the level of copied fan art and into the realms of creating original characters and scenes.
Jan 4, '21
last reply
Jan 26, '21