Hello fellow artists! I am brand spanking new to the program and am literally just about to start the PS intro in Term 1. I’m strictly using procreate as of right now, but I still feel I can gain some knowledge by pushing through the course. I used photoshop regularly in tech school when I was in a Graphic Design class for two years, so I definitely can use the refresher. I’ve been art-ing since I was a wee child, but basically gave it up after I had my daughter at 21! I am now 28, and ready to get back into it. A good artist never stops absorbing new information and technique.

Here is my first painting on Procreate with reference. Shout out to my BTS fans :wink: ALL CC is welcome and asked for.

Hello Jess and welcome to Art School! You have an awesome start, so I'm sure you will have a good time going through the classes. Looking forward to seeing you post your assignments and progress as you're getting through the course.

Welcome. Great to see such a strong start. Your foundational skill using your tools and recognizing value and color should serve you well. Keep posting, and looking forward to seeing you in class.

Thank you so much! I still have lots to learn in terms of value and color. Something like this would be near impossible for me to achieve without reference. And absolutely, looking forward to it :smile:

from beginners to pros, we all use reference. its the just the smart way to work :smile:

And that’s the cold hard truth. Do you attend the livestreams? I still haven’t quite figured out how that works. Is that only offered to students who purchase the full program?

Yes to both questions. I attend every class stream for the full 3 hours or however long it takes on some days to get through everyone's art critiques. and yes to the second you have to purchase the full program to attend. It is about to double in price, the school has gotten so popular that the classes have been taking a bit longer because of class size. but the hands on with the teacher is so valuable. im not sure if it is something you can afford, but if youve considered getting the full program, there is no better time. come sept, it goes up to 900$ you will still be able to purchase the full program at the current price, but it will no longer come with the weekly class streams. in a few weeks that will become another tier premium feature

Ah, it all makes sense though. He would be completely overloaded with students even more so than he is now. I usually watch the streams he posts on YT because I still get something out of the critiques, even if they aren’t of my own work. At this moment I just purchased Term 1, but I’m hoping I will be able to purchase the full term before I’m ready to move on to Term 2. My husband needs a new gaming PC first. intense eye-roll

Well he sent out a notice to all full term student of the change going forward. its not something the public at large knows, or even single term students. I have made the suggestion to you and maybe 2 others since finding out a week or so ago. Worth every penny especially since its life long ability to sit in on streams, and the price is about to double. Just tell your husband you'd be losing money 'not' buying it :ok_hand: :innocent: