Break is over!
Vacation, camping in the mountains for a week, failed air conditioners, lots of cleaning, lots of cooking, tons of reading/watching/consuming comics, books, movies, series, and video games. It has ben a gluttonous break from making art. Local schools are back in session as of yesterday and so am I! My attitude has been reset and I'm ready to get back to the art grind! Huzzah!
Term 2 Week 1:
Visual Communication 2 - Elements of Design
Pretty good review of these concepts and it got me thinking about how these elements don't exist as axioms but interrelated, interlocking co-existing collaborating building blocks of all imagery - and perhaps providing some structure for how human perceive to begin with. I don't want to get bogged down too much on that though, but I'm working on deconstructing things I see into these elements and poking my nose into other people's works here on the forum to analyze things in these terms (or trying to...).
PS for Digital Production 2
I picked up the Affinity Bundle over break to add another option to my tool set and I'm working on sorting out how to accomplish all the normal stuff I know how to do in Clip Studio, Krita, and Painter. Nothing too difficult yet, but I am looking at how to make Smart Object-equivalents in any of those and I have a lead, but I'm not sure about it. So if anyone knows, please HELP!!!
PS for Digital Digital Production Exercise 1 - Game or Portfolio Title:
I decided to have some fun with the word "logopathology." I think humans are obsessed and overly focused on ideas, concepts, and words. So much so, that we tend to ignore reality and prefer to swim in the opinions and filters that we have honed over the course of survival. This is the essence of identity formation. Those filters and opinions often are maladaptive and should be purged frequently. Failure to do so creates a cesspool in which we suffer from the disease of words (how I translate logopathology). So not really a game title, but I can see it as a portfolio name for a series of iconoclastic works designed to knock identity on its ass.
Fonts used: Fundead and Mark of the Beast by Blambot
Next up I'll start working on my self-portrait and the vector alien/robot thingy...
Cheers and thanks for stopping by!