I've..been through some stuff. But I'm getting back into my groove now. I wanted to post some gesture drawings today, and felt doing some of Kratos ( God of War ) would be a lot more interesting, and I was definitely right! I feel I have definitely improved since August.

beautiful concepts, if I can give you some advice I would tell you to focus more on the structure of the drawing to make your concepts more solid.

I was recently inspired by Ghost of Tsushima, and decided to sketch some things from the game ( these are stills from 'The Ghost' trailer ). These were done in pen, which is my traditional medium.

1 month later

I have invested more time into my YouTube channel, and here are the three sketches I made recently. These were soldiers which were aliens, and because I had a 20 min time limit, I let go of any expectations of the sketches being 'realistic' and just had fun with it, focusing on form and color.

If anyone happens to be interested on here, these are the links to the videos ( https://youtu.be/eBlUpzZ1ZNY, https://youtu.be/sFw-O-bAj3I, https://youtu.be/t_BXy-uqKJA ). If nothing else, have a good day!

1 month later

[ Time ]

Not everything in life works out. Even when you think you have enough time, there will be moments where you will quickly learn that you really don't. Anything can happen to you at any moment, and you cannot predict exactly when or where. This is a humanoid creature in a realm without time, and so it gave me a chance to think about time itself and what it gives and means.

28 days later

Sorry for the late reply, but I do agree creating a composition with the sharks would be a good idea. And perhaps I could design a lot more concepts. Happy holidays

Happy New Year! This is a simple sketch I made to begin creating concepts to train my creativity. It's a simplistic design for a hovering robot that has a digital face which changes expressions. It is powered by two large batteries on its back. I envisioned it as a passive bot.

As always, feedback is much appreciated. This is the first time I've sat down and sketched out a full concept like this, so I'm sure I could improve on a lot for my future sketches and designs. Happy holidays!

12 days later

This is just a simple post. I've been on the edge of burnout for weeks now and so I'm making the decision to take a complete break from social media for a while. I want to really take the time to get back to my senses and find out a strong 'why' for what I want to accomplish in my lifetime.

This break could be a few weeks, a month, a few months, or even longer. And that's okay. Sometimes in life you need to make tough decisions. Goodbye.

8 months later

I wanted to share a glimpse of my passion for Spider-Man with this fan art I've created of Miles Morales. My process was to begin entirely with ballpoint pen, and then fill in areas with colored pencils. I didn't get the vibrant colors I was looking to achieve, but I've learned nonetheless.

Feedback is much appreciated!

That actually looks pretty cool! Even if you didn't get the vibrant colors you wanted, I think the muted tones gives it a really neat look.

1 month later

Here's another one from God of War. I have come to accept my use of pen and colored pencils, since if the colors were more vibrant, they'd take away from being able to see the pen. Combining the two has been a good learning curve for me. Pen has taught me that there are only lessons, not 'mistakes' and 'failures.'

I love the vibe of the Miles Morales piece! You should explore that style some more. If the colors didn’t come out the way you want just keep doing some more and improving them.

3 months later

Thank you. My style is something that will develop over many years, so it's not something I'm rushing. I want it to come out naturally. Anyway, here is a 1-Hour speedpainting I've just made that I wanted to share here.

[ Made in Procreate -- Backstory is below ]
When things are crashing down and death is all around, and all seems lost, the only thing left is peace in the acceptance that things are ending and that there is a new beginning about to come around. In this case, a species is on the brink of extinction with an apocalypse occurring, and in all of this chaos the blood gushing from spikes in its heart is bringing with it new life ( the mushrooms on the bottom center ).

4 months later

Okay. So I have a practice I deem "Art Studies," even though these might not seem like the traditional art studies you may be used to ( i.e. drawing from life or reference photos in the real world ). My method involves screenshots from video games or movies. I have now completed the art studies for Journey ( via screenshots ). This took me a year to finish, for many reasons.

This has been my first series, so it is highly experimental ( I largely did not know how to go about it for the most part, but I simply kept going ). The time I took for these varied widely, though for the most part each one was anywhere from 10-25 minutes or so. A selection of my studies are below. You can post your thoughts if you want to. Enjoy!

Too great. I am really impressed with your manuscripts, especially the 100-character set in such a short time. I also love the way you color sketches like the draft of the night sky, and also the super spider. What kind of pens do you usually use and what color media do you use for your sketches?