Hello everyone on my Art School Journey! I am honored to tell you today that I have officially joined the team at Unfocused Entertainment Productions, a real-dal startup indie game studio
We do not have a website yet, but I'll share that if we make one and will share my experiences with the team in the coming future when i am able to officially do so ( we have a NDA agreement, so I can only speak on specific things ).
I can now say that I have officially entered the industry! What does this mean for my Art School Journey? First of all, I hope that my success can inspire others and I want you to know that if I can do it, you can do it too. Secondly, I will continue with my fundamental practice. I may rethink my approach overall, and continue to learn and grow and go back to the program as a whole and start over and go through everything and finish it when I get there ( week by week ).
I am glad and honored to be here. I am now living my dream. I have officially made it. And I would love nothing more than to keep going and to help other people get here too
See you soon