It's the start of a new week and we all know what that means - New challenge!



This week will be focused on designing a character or environment with peace as you anchor point. A character should be light hearted in nature. If you design an environment, it should give off the vibe of a peaceful land.

Ex.1 A village filled with animals and humans(or other) going about daily activities on a sunny day.
Ex.2 A peaceful monk in either bright energetic colors or neutral colors blissfully hanging out friends in a temple or forest trying to catch fish.

Post finished pieces here by the deadline. Use the edit feature to post updates as to not clutter the topic.


  • Sunday at 11h59 PST


  • Post your entry in this topic
  • No art recycling, the entry must be made for this challenge specifically
  • Entries can be in any medium (2D/3D/4D?)
  • No AI Art
  • Combining different bonus challenges is ok


Artwork will be shared on the header of the cubebrush forums as well as social media platforms.

If you want us to tag you on social media, be sure to include your @user for both Instagram and Twitter in your post!


pinned Jul 10, '23

I didn't know what to do so I went with the first thing that came to mind. I don't know if it's appropriate to the theme or not, but that's what I get for making it at the last minute!