Just got done with this one. Over all about 20 hours. I have been drawing forever, but I just started learning Photoshop these past 2 months. I have a long way to go but I'm learning a lot.

This is Citan from Xenogears. Any comments and critiques welcome!

Those are the 2 pics I used for reference.

Cool piece you got there! I would however say that the head might be a bit big compared to the body, otherwise nice art and keep it up! :smile:

Thanks. I was going for a slightly chibi style to match the reference of him in the game. You can see in the screenshot the model is only 4 or 5 head lengths.

I will do some more stuff in the future of the more realistic proportions also :smile:

6 months later

I'm going through a tutorial book "Beginner's Guide to Creating Manga Art" by 3Dtotal publishing. Working and working on my digital skills. These 2 exercises were the first ones where I put edge lighting. I was always scared of it before then :stuck_out_tongue:

I have to say my background/environment skills are horrible. I have so much to learn still!

I am working a full time job, but last week I managed to do 12 hours of art.

9 days later

I'm calling this one done! I was trying to copy the lighting from this photo of a musician on stage, with lots of lights on him...but it doesn't come through too well.

I guess she just ended up looking like She Hulk :smile:

Feel free to criticize me, and give me tips.

I just want to say nice job on all your drawings, as someone who takes an eternity to draw himself I salute you for finishing all these works! Now the question basically now is what direction you want to go in, so let me ask you a question.

  • Have you ever played a game where you have to reach a certain level to move on to a more specific class role and basically level your skills up to that class?

(I believe this is the stage your at, I also believe it's one of the most important choices of your artistic journey. I'm going to cover some specific areas in which is crucial for your art to be taken to the next level.)


  • Man just seeing the word gives me chills! Anatomy is something no one will ever know enough of no matter how good we become or how much one may know of thinks they know. I'd really recommend working on your anatomy stats if your looking for more of a character concept artist type build further down the line. That means it's time to start leveling up!
    Next up....


  • Now picking the right colors is something that many people today have a problem with, as many times the right colors can make or break a piece. Color is very important as it goes hand in hand with Value and variation. We've all seen those pieces where you have the feeling of ("oh... this again... cool... I guess?") And a lot of thats because of variation and the over all unique qualities of your piece which color can have a HUGE impact upon. Moving onto the next and final topic because I'm short on time as always...


  • Now composition is just as important as anatomy or color, no matter how small something may seem it can still be a huge factor on weather or not your art work will be taken to the next level. Composition helps define situations, it aids the viewer in understanding your illustration and allows for aesthetically pleasing pieces that can diversify your work from another artist.

With all that said I wish you the best of luck in your artistic journey theres so much you can practice and that's a great thing! "There's no such thing as failure only feedback"! -Essop Merrik

Exofley, Signing out.

Yea I used to spend hours playing Final Fantasy Tactics. At first you have to be the boring, lowly squire, who can't really do anything cool, before you level up and can be a knight, or a black mage, or something cool.

So yea, right now I am just a low level art squire, haha.

If I had the opportunity to choose the way my life was going to go, I would like to be a really good illustrator. Someone like James Gurney has amazing ability with everything you mentioned: anatomy, color harmony, composition. So I am going to focus and get good at everything!

I think right now my anatomy is passable. Maybe like a 7/10 (too generous? :P)

...but I know next to nothing about color harmony and composition. I was reading an art thread the other day and someone recommended the book Color by Betty Edwards. Maybe I will start there.

Can't wait to see what you create in the future man, all I can say keep at it :smile: rome wasn't build in a day.

Some friends asked me to do concepts for a comic book they want to write. This is the concept for their main villain. The costume and look was already set in stone, more or less, but I did the color scheme all myself.