Thanks for dropping by! I will be posting my works here (as often as possible!)) and looking forward to critiques and advice on how to improve my fundamentals and quality Most of my works are heavily inspired by sci-fi especially video games and anime.

Feel free to leave your thoughts below!

Here are some examples:

Loving it =D I think the first picture is a bit hard to read at first, but some really beautiful rendering going on. Also really like the dog mech. Keep ut the good work! Can't wait to see more =)

Hey thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you liked them :smile: Gonna try to be more regular in posting as possible between work and RL! Good work on your Wader; hope to see it's final form!

Thanks for stopping by! I'm looking for critique and feedback on my latest character here. Her suit is inspired by combining a high altitude flight suit with 'NASA space shuttle' style armor plates rigged onto it, in a somewhat medieval styling.

Additionally the background is suppose to be a huge airlock leading to civilian quarters. But I would like to hear any feedback on it or other ideas for a background. Also deciding if i should add in foreground which are space pirates about to face off with her, so thoughts on that are welcome as well.

I'm liking this a lot! One thing I'm noticing is that there's not a lot of value contrast. Everything seems a bit flat. Especially the weapon. I'm also not liking the background colors that much, but that's just me :wink: Otherwise I really like the pose and armor design!

Thanks for the advice! I'll get to work on the parts you pointed out. Glad you liked the design overall :smile:

9 days later

Finally managed to get this completed! Personally I feel more could be done to further push this but got to move on to the next one. Any and all feedback and critique is welcome!

(Edit: Can anyone tell me what's the average file size for an llustration? I seem to have a tendency to create ginormous file sizes as I paint :confused: )

A little fluff for my Space Knight character:

Saturn Knight Hephaestus, Defender of Titan

As a member of the Knight of the Rings, Hephaestus is one out of seven titles bestowed upon the ruling figures of each major moon states of the Saturnine Kingdoms. Titan, being the largest manufacturing center of the realm. Thus she has access to not only the largest repository of tech relics from the Long Exodus, but also the means to maintain them at peak quality. One of them being "Sky Titans', some of the most potent and largest mechs the Knights use to protect the citizens of the Kingdom from external threats, especially 'sponsored' raiders from their distant Jovian 'cousins'.

13 days later

Very nice work, especially on the neck!
I'd suggest thinking in terms of shapes rather than lines, though. Around the lips, eyebrows and hair you really don't need any lines because the shapes are contrast-y enough to stand on their own =)