Hello :sunny:

I made this image approximately 2 years ago:

I've lately gone back to old work and started thinking about like a redo or something. The monster is called "Ballis" and I originally intended it to appear in some sort of lab on the planet mars. At that time I kinda gave up on the idea.

I still find the concept interesting though.

What I am thinking is that I would like to put the Ballis in a old forgotten lab setting on mars in daytime. Light shining through the ceiling and nothing technological is in working order, like the place has been naturalized mars-like.

I have to answer some questions first:
- What type of lab am I going to depict?
- What is the time of day? (Mainly for light source reference and light intensity)
- Is there any weather?
- Do I update the look of the monster?
- I'll be using perspective, so how will I set up the scene?

I guess that's it for now...onward with the process :smile:

Here is the first sketch of the lab / room.

Here is some colour added and a quick monster sketch.

Here I added some details to the monster and changed the saturation and hue a bit :smile: