Hello! I've been drawing for a while now, but I haven't taken many steps to improve my art other than only drawing off of references. I often times felt lost when I'd ask myself, "What do I need to do next to take my drawing skills to the next level?" I really hope that this course will be able to guide me in the right direction so I don't feel that sense of being lost and confused.
I've drawn pencil and paper for quite some time, but digital is completely new to me. As of now, I'm currently using a drawing tablet without a screen, a simple Wacom Intuos. When drawing on paper, I feel as if I can really feel the forms that I'm drawing, but I don't get that same feeling with this tablet. It'll just be something I'll have to get used to I suppose.
I'm making this forum post because of something Marc said about gaining motivation to keep going because other people are expecting you to keep posting your progress. Anyways, I'm excited to be on this journey!

I have this bad habit of curving my lines near the start and/or end. It's a little annoying but I'll try to work on it.

It was quite difficult for me to draw these ellipses digitally for the first time. I can see the perspective is messed up a little bit for some of these, but I suppose improvement will come with time.

I tried to stay true to the assignment and not add any sort of perspective to the boxes used for the head, pelvis, and ribcage. It feels a little odd, but I think it's good practice.

I appreciate any sort of criticism on my progress so far! Also, if anyone has any tips specific to digital art, I'd love to hear it!

There are 66 replies with an estimated read time of 11 minutes.

Welcome to the forums Kamil! I think in terms of the digital medium its looking great so far. The volumes on these cylinders feels so good to me. Really well done! I don't see anything to comment on specifically all looking good to me!

I had a lot of stuff to do today so I wasn't able to progress much, but I managed to do one assignment!

I didn't focus on getting that perfect cylinder shape for this assignment as I feel like it would take way too many attempts since I'm not used to this tablet. I think the purpose of this exercise is really to be able decide if an object is moving towards the camera or away rather than perfectly drawing cylinders.

If I got the perspective messed up on any of these, please let me know! I'll be sure to upload more tomorrow!

Hello! I wasn't a really big fan of the proportions study assignment (I understand it's important), but it felt like a lot of copying which is pretty zzz.

I approached this assignment a little bit differently from what Marc did. I tried using a lot less measuring methods from the start and just adjusted things along the way when I saw them off. The end result deviates a little bit from the original picture, but I think I got the general gist of it!

Please leave any comments / criticism if you have any especially on my 2nd assignment for today. I really wonder how the rest of you guys approached this assignment because I find measuring to be very tedious.

I made an attempt at the 30 second gesture drawings today and it wasn't fun -_-. It felt very stressful, so I'm probably going to try doing 1 minute ones from now on. Feedback is appreciated!

When I first started gestures I hated it so much. So so much. I still don't like it. But I do enjoy it more than I used to. I'm used to fixing most of my art mistakes by throwing time at it. Which you cant do for gesture. That being said you are identifying key landmarks and these look really good for 30 secs for sure. Capturing a lot of volume! Great work with these, keep it up the pain will go down pretty quickly.

Thank you, I wasn't entirely sure if I was doing these right!