@yazziixx Thank you :smile: Silhouettes are the best for practicing shape design. It's also super stress free cuz there are no expectations. I highly recommend busting out the lasso and filling in some shapes. If you have clip studio, there's a tool called the lasso fill that makes the process so fast. I love it

@lockenheim Thank you too! My fav is the lower left hehe. You kinda nailed what I was thinking about though for the top right fella. Kind of a zergling/hydra/mech shaman idea.

I've done some more stuffs in the meanwhile:

this one has stalled out but ima go back to it for sure

next is a landscape painting where im really trying to get the atmosphere and lighting down. the lighting is far far from correct but Im just exploring pushing the highlights and colour

and here's the value output

and finally some more silhouette shape design stuffs

I've been putting some time into basic, simplified anatomy studies in my physical sketchbook recently as well. The time spent is actually showing progress for once and that feels great. Makes all the frustration of not being as good as I'd like more bearable to know that the practice generates returns.

Cheers, lovelies!

Just wanna follow up with a minor correction and my thinking about composition. In the image posted above, there are four repeating elements:

Since I know that odd numbers are more pleasing to the eye, I need to get rid of one of the elements of the pattern, or alter it in some complementary way. I'm opting to get rid of the bottom right one, since this area should, I think, be in shadow.

so it becomes this:

which I think has a better balance. I'm also trying to use my edges and contrast to direct the viewers eye to the person in the image. I know, I know, it needs more contrast behind the person to really draw the eye there - and why the heck is the person the focal point anyway - but again, I'm giving myself a pass on these for now because I'm just exploring. Here are the existing direction lines:

Ima keep working on this piece for a while. It has been super instructive and also challenging. Which is very fun :smiley:

10 months later

Hello everyone, hope you are all doing well. It's been a hot minute since my last post - architecture degrees are evil things - but I am on my last 7 weeks of this degree. I figured I'd share what little I've managed to squeak out over the last few weeks. Starting with some (imperfectly executed) technical perspective construction:

Then some ship silhouettes for playing around with forms:

Some prop design for kicks:

A little environment value sketch:

Some face and character practice:

And finally revisiting an old, very squashed perspective drawing and trying to flesh it out:

Thus concludes this art dump. I am so excited to be done this degree and can't wait to dig back into drawing and painting.

Cheers, lovelies!

Nice! Snakker here, local noob who came aboard while you were away
Loving these!
What would people eat in that kiosk concept piece? It looks like a mix of a chinese restaurant but maybe, beetles?


Hey Snakker, thanks for taking the time to say hi :smile:
Yeah, I was thinking that Benny's restaurant would serve some kinda fried grubs, heheh.

I've been struggling with placing my VP's for 3 point perspective in a way that reduces the distortion. Gonna need to keep working at it. I did however block out a scene and do an intial value test. I'll dig into refining shapes more when I have a little more spare time.

and the value sketch

Cheers, lovelies!

Great stuff! I’m excited to learn to do scenery like this as well someday!

hi @Kektet! i just discovered your forum page after seeing you comment on snakker's page and wow your art is absotlutely stunning!! your environment art is amazing!! i want to be able to draw backgrounds and enviros that good too! :smiley:

@mitsuki-youko Thank you!! That's really nice to hear! I can't wait to have more time to dig in and make a lot more!

Hey everyone,
I had some time to play around and did some shape designs for a character. Might develop it more as time allows. The process from silhouette, to shape blocking, then simple lighting is all in the image. This stuff is so fun.

Cheers, lovelies!

This looks really cool!

Hey! Your work is incredible! I really like your linework and your environments are insane!

28 days later