Hello all. I've been drawing and digitally painting for a number of years with the dream of one day working in a studio or using my art to support myself. In hopes of improving, I'll be posing my practice pieces and studies here for all you people who know what you're doing to maybe help a guy out and give me some pointers. To start things off...here is an eye I did this morning. I like how it turned out and I'll be doing more. C&C are welcome. Thanks :smile:

did another eye today. this time a 3/4 view. Comments and critiques are welcome

You are doing a good on these eyes :smiley:
The only thing i'd work on is the edges to make some sharper and some not.

Here is a video that can help you out understanding what I'm talking about. I'm sorry for that it is a very long one (you can speed it up? :D) but Honestly if you can go through it I'm sure that you will only benefit from it.

Thanks! I think I know what you mean with the edges, hard edges vs soft vs hidden, but I'll give the video a watch too. I just need to learn where to apply such things

more study done with photo reference this time. not a complete likeness but I feel like I'm improving

1 month later

Here is a portrait I finished a little while ago and forgot to post it here. Took about 10ish hours to do. I'm pleased with the final product. C&C are welcome

8 days later

So this is a character i've been working on for a while now. Here is an illustration of her. What do you folks think? What can I do to improve or push it further, both in the design of the character and the image overall? Thanks for any input you can give me