I am probably going to use this to track down my art progress and hopefully motivate me to try out drawing different stuff ( my visual library kind of sucks) and open up myself more. It will be nice if you guys can give me some feedback (I'll appreciate it!) and join in on my art journey hahaha. :smile: :sweat_smile: It will be a tough one cries*

welcome to cubebrush....
you could use the smudge tool to blend colors into each other or using a soft brush

Hey thanks for the welcome :D, yeah I tried using the soft brush but the face ends up looking too soft so I stopped. For the smudge tool I'll go try it out thank you :raising_hand:

Improved oc design, He looks vastly different haha because I finally know what kind of character it's supposed to be I guess. He's meant to be a necromancer but he doesn't look like one at all lol, I think I have to keep on tweaking the designs a bit more till he looks more like one and the colouring part I'm still struggling with it a lot. I'll work more on it later on.

26 days later

Been pretty busy with school work lately I can't seem to find time to work on my digital work :sob: . Well, here's some blending I did.... Can't seem to properly blend yet :cry:

11 days later

A head blending practice I did recently. I seem to have quite a hard time blending all the different tones together, I can't seem to make it have a smooth transition yet so I got to keep trying. :muscle:


1 month later

15 days later

Hi there!

I like the studious approach you take but i think you would benefit from doing more of the same type of exercises instead of jumping from one to the other (from 30s gesture practice to values on the sphere and then head planes). Even if you compare the gesture practice 1 and 2, i'd say you can see the #2 is better than the first.

About the blending... I think using soft brushes works. Playing with transperancy might be a way to achieve better blending too. For anything more, someone with more experience should help;)

The manga fan art is really good-i can't tell which is the original!

10 days later

Thanks for the for the feedback! I will try to stick with the same type of exercises more, it's because I've been doing gesture drawings quite a lot for the past 2 years ( I didn't post it up here-it's all in my sketchbook) and now make my drawings do have that nice flow (only when I do free-hand though) but it lacks 3-dimensionality and the anatomy for my human stuff kinda sucks. So I've been more focused on learning proportions and such but now my drawings are looking a bit too stiff If I try drawing with guidelines... So I've got a lot of difficulty with balancing the two :cry:

For the blending, I did try tweaking with the opacity and with the soft brush, and I can say that the blending does look better! :grin: I'mm keep trying on making it look less flat, maybe there should be more contrast in the values?

And Thank you again! ( the first one is the original) :blush: :wave: