Your 1 point perspective is looking pretty good. Placing the person was indeed a great idea, with all of the perspective assignments, creating a size reference really helps.
The only problem with the image that stands out is the fruit bowl on the table, getting the circles to be consistently in perspective is a little weird.
So what you have to do is make up two other vanishing points that will define what is a square for your picture. Moving 2/3s the width of your canvas off to the side generally works well, but as long as you are consistent and the points are equidistant from the center vanishing point you will be fine.
Draw out from your center vanishing point and kiss the sides of the circle that you want to make, and then draw a top line kissing the top side. After that draw a diagonal through the corner of the shape and that will show you where the bottom line should go. I did this all in purple in this image.
From there you can use the circle tool in Photoshop to make a perfect circle, and then use transform and drag the corners of the transform box to the corners of the perfect square you drew. Here it is with that sketched in corrected, your plates are all pretty close so they did not stick out.
I hope this helps, please let me know if it doesn't.