Hi Everyone :smile: My name is Lawrence, and I'm currently in New Zealand studying Visual art and Design My goal is to get better at my art and someday get into the industry as an illustrator :smile:

I've made a post on the old forum, but never updated it :frowning: Mainly because I was scared. This time, I'm going to make sure I post regularly and to keep improving as I go along :smile:

The first image is a post I made in the previous forum from 2015, and the one after is a redraw drawn recently.

A recent drawing. A redraw of an old drawing I did back in 2012

Hey Lawry! ^^I rly like the style of your art :smile: Keep it up :wink:!

hi lawry! your designs are so juicy! ^^ can't wait to improve myself and give a try to convert theme in 3D with ZBrush and Marvelous Designer :smiley:

Looking good! I see your understanding of form is better than earlier. I like that Sol drawing. :smile:

yap, that Soldrawing is really great, his whole pose and his expression!

Thanks :smile: I wanted to colour it originally, but changed my mind last minute haha

really did your drawings so far and defiantly can see them turning into something super awesome one day ^_^ really look forward to seeing more of your work