My term 2 assignments. A lot to improve on, but i am pleased with some of them. Used many different techniques that i have never used before.

Robot Alien assignment made with pen tool.

Box Art assignment using multiple smart objects.

Perspective wall assignment.

I went a few steps farther than needed in the perspective wall, but 2D art is the field i want to improve upon the most.

No need to be kind with criticism. Thank you for coming this far.

Regarding the perspective assignment: This first thing I notice is the scale of the person. I was going to say that the gate seemed a lot bigger in comparison to the figure but that could just be a creative choice one could make. However when I looked at the blades of grass, they seem to be almost at height of the figure. So either shorten the grass or make the figure just a little bit taller. The perspective is on point, but a little too distorted. But that I mean you can visually see the gate stretch into the skies. Instead of 3 point perspective I probably would have just gone with 1 point perspective and put the gate and the person on the foreground of the picture. I like the warmth in the clouds, just reduce the saturation of the blues.

I wanna know the story you wanted to tell with the picture, maybe then I could give some better feedback. Keep up the good work. :smile:

Thank you for the comments. I believe the perspective is a bit distorted due to the area o chose to work in.

I the tutorial, Marc first makes the grid and then later chooses the area to work in. I probably should have chosen a smaller area to avoid distortions mainly on the right side of the picture.

I photobashed a picture for the sky and later on played around with it. I thought that it looked ok-ish but i see your point. It feels like the sky and clouds don't mesh together as well as they should.

As for the grass, the idea was to have near human height to give the impression of a natural wall/path leading to the gate.

To be honest, it's the part i hate the most, but nothing of what i tried worked the way i wanted, so i simply tried to finish it so i can post it and ask for tips and help.

8 days later

If you ever feel like the painting is not going how you envisioned it in your head or you're seeing a lot of mistakes that are beyond fixing, its alright to start over. Take notes of what happened and try again. Don't beat yourself up about one painting. Regardless I hope you were able to see what you could improve upon from having done this painting. You actually started and finished a painting! That's an accomplishment in itself. That's something I myself struggle with. Sorry for the late reply, I was not sure what I wanted to say at first. Hope to see more!

Thanks for the reply. i definitely learned a lot with this painting and even more so by actually finishing it and coming in terms with my mistakes. I definitely want to make more of this in the future.