Your animal soldiers look real nice! What is this side project you are working on?
For your pen portraits I would suggest working larger. At that size you pretty much have to resort to drawing symbols and suggestion lines rather than the actual forms and features; which isn't great for studying because you're not feeding your brain any info to internalize.
Hope that makes sense haha.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks, that does make sense! I've been doing them in my sketchbook and trying to save room for more, so maybe I should try bigger sheets.
I actually started those as my Term 2 creature, but I liked the first one I drew so I decided to keep going and draw more. Still not 100% sure where I'll go with them.
12 days later
my final Term 2 assignment, my self portrait... I really wanted to follow the instructions to do it using a mirror, so my options were to take my tablet in the bathroom or use an old car mirror I had lying around, I chose the car mirror and that explains my expression, maybe kinda? lol
and for my T2 free week I decided to study some real otters
Thanks so much @snakker and @daceronine!
I'm just getting into the Term 3 materials now. I've seen some discussions about whether it's better to watch the videos all at once or in parts, In the other terms I watched them in one sitting, but I always ended up having to go back and re watch parts. I will probably still do that, but this time I am seeing how it goes breaking them up. I think this will work better, I am always eager to try the things Marc is talking about.
Yo I’m also starting ip term 3. In the first two terms I would slowly watch the videos little by little, doing exercises and sometimes investigating a bit more about each subject and doing some exercises before moving on in the video. In head anatomy I did end up watching the whole thing various times over though
This term I’m actually going to try put following the companion guide but I don’t aim for a week by week basis. That said I feel folds lends itself to a quick watch of the whole thing. It’s actually doing it that makes my brain hurt 😂
The study guide came out when I was starting Term 2, so I made sure to do all the exercises, but I didn't really follow the schedule at all. This time I will be sure to do everything in order, but I don't think I'll try too hard to do each week's work within a week. (unless maybe the weekend is included)
I've never been that good at taking notes, but I have seen how it can help, and it would probably be less distracting than trying to follow along with Marc on the first viewing.
I also don't follow the week very closely, I use the guide more like a checklist, since I usually don't have the time to repeat the daily exercices (I wish I did, but alas, just not enough time), but I will try to do them at least once, and since I do them once, I usually elaborate on them a bit more, like, I'll add shadowing when only lineart is required, or do a few more of the exercice.
And on the notes side, I agree, I usually just watch the video completly (usually on multiple sitting), and then skip back to take notes on sections that might be worth exploring.
For example, for Anatomy, it can be rough to remember all parts or names, and going back and forth on the video would take time, so I just created my own little cheat map to check while doing the exercices.
Whatever works for you as long as you benefit from the lessons.
@daceronine I also wish I had time to do the daily exercises every day, I feel like I'd be leveling up faster If I did. but my approach is similar. Thanks for the example and insights!
looks like I kinda sorta lied about doing Term 3 in order, I saw one of the exercises was 10 heads from reference, so I thought that seemed like something more familiar to start off with, I meant to do 2-3 before leaving it for later, but I liked how it was going and finished all 10
Thanks @daceronine and @patrycja.lerch!
another clothed figure, I thought my last one gave me some good practice for denim material, but it was still hard. lots of subtle folds I didn't even notice till I got started
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