Hey guys! Here's the topic about my environment design learning journey. I hope I'll get a lot of feedback during this adventure of learning the fundamentals of landscape painting/drawing!
I'm doing this to switch a bit from my concept design tutorial assignements! You can go check the work here if you're interested in helping me improve: https://forums.cubebrush.co/t/brainstorm-school-weeks-1-2-exercises/7343/4
Amit Dutta Environment Week 1
As a start, It would introduce you to my first week of hard work with this amazing video from Amit Dutta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbjoXg_oyRI
Basically, he asks for 5 notan studies (Black/white) from existing artworks and 5 other ones with 4 values (black - 2 shades of gray - white).
After that, we have to draw 100 concept notan studies. The idea is to empty one's head and only think about general design and concept, drawing what comes in mind straight ahead, and avoid going for concrete idas like "city", "forest" or so. I could use a few composition rules to give a point to any thumbnail but without sticking too much to them.
Tell me what you think, or what are the points of attention I should care for!
Thanks guys