Yeah, that's what i ment. Also,I thought your shapes exercise and your cylinders for the figures looked like line / ellipse tools being used, they are exceptionally smooth. Upon closer inspection I see that this likely not the case.

Is this completely freehand or do you use line smoothing? That's incredibly impressive linework for freehand.

Thanks! I don't use any line smoothing. I'm just crazy. I had watched Marcs videos for quite a bit before starting the program and the one thing that kept coming back for advice was line quality and not to use smoothing to increase dexterity. So when I got my tablet I spent 2-3 hours each day for the first month just working on my lines and am quite meticulous when working on most practice. I am getting better but I do use control Z a lot! I did use the line tool on the perspective assignments for the fish room and cat room and for the center lines on the head construction. I will have to work on doing those freehand but I'm not quite that confident yet!

For the perspective assignements I'd say it's quite alright to use the line tool. As long as you are doing the majority of your more organic stuff freehanded you'll be fine. especially because your line work is very good already. Good job!

This is my work for the week! I worked just as hard even though I don't have quite as much content. Many hours were spent watching the head construction video lol. This was my first time drawing with values! I worked very hard on them. Criticism always welcome! I have not quite weened myself from using circles to help me draw the base yet, I will focus on that once I feel I have the construction down.

Hi Locke!

you really do great work! i admire your hard work and it kinda inspires me to do more !
Keep it up, your results are impressive :smile:

Thanks so much! I appreciate the kind words! I spend a lot of time practicing and studying!

Wow! I am so impressed with your perspective drawings. Perspective is something I struggle with immensely. But yours all look so good! Keep up the amazing work! I also love the D&D map!

Thank you so much! Prospective is intimidating to learn, but once you understand the basics and practice / play with it a lot of it starts clicking. I spent many, many hours on the perspective assignments lol. The alchemy shop had to take me over 50 hours but I learned a ton lol.

Your construction of head is good, I made some notes with red. Most of things I did are just changing values. With time you will see values better. Keep in mind I am not perfect either :D. I didn't do much on eyebrows and forehead because I can't see them and I am not that confident in anatomy. If you have question ask me.

Oh my gosh Nikolinkanikolova thank you so much!!! This is super helpful. I really appreciate that you took the time to help me with this. I will have to pay attention to the unseen ear and take that part of the forehead off. Thank you for pointing out the eyes, neck, chin, ear and lips and everything! This is very helpful to see how you handle these features! I am going to study this in great detail. Thank you so much! :heart_eyes:

Quick update, I decided to redo the VP's for my 3 point perspective drawing and put in the dragon / snake today! I have been hard at work attempting to get these darn contours down on warped cylinders and I think I am getting close. Please let me know if anyone spots any errors with the cylinder contours. :heart_eyes: Thanks!

I'd say your contours are pretty good overall.

What I'd do is push the foreshortening more, especially on the top loop there would be a pretty hard kink in the cylinder. I tried to make it flow more evenly and pushed it a bit further away from the viewer, looks more like a fluid motion to me.

The other thing I noticed is that it didn't look like you drew your ellipses all the way through. A lot of them look like they should be more rounded on the borders of the tube.

And one last minor thing. Make sure the left "railing" of the bridge is the same height (or even smaller, considering there would need to be space for the floor) as the right side.

Aaaand another thing that came to mind while writing: Probably could have pushed the sitze of the tail at the bottom due to perspective (Circles in blue).

Keep it up, I love you work =).

Thank you so much Sascharunge! This is so helpful! I fought with this snake all yesterday and my mind was warped! Thank you so much for pointing out everything else as well! This all makes sense and are great ideas! I can't wait to make these changes. Thank you for pointing out the railing issue as well! I appreciate you and that you took the time!

This looks like a great exercise Lockenheim!
The snake/dragon is very well done ^^

You could have pushed the contour lines more, It looks like it could be a lot more rounder in some spots especially directly behind the snakes head.

Since you have a 3 point perspective and the third point is above the horizon line everything below the horizon would be really foreshortened:
- As sascharunge said, the end of the snakes "tail" should also be a lot bigger.
- You can see an example of this when you look at the pillar you drew where the tail wraps around, it's bigger at the bottom and gets smaller duo perspective, you can use that as a reference to how the tail should look like.
- If the 3rd perspective point would be below the horizon the complete opposite would be true and the top part would be bigger

If you want to emphasize the scale of the creature (even more than you already have).
Try to have a good size relationship like putting something everybody knows the size of behind the creature.
You could put a castle structure in the background which has doors and windows, those would obviously be human sized and that would make the creature look a lot more bigger.
Since you already have a human in front this isn't really necessary, just an Idee to make it pop even more ;D

All in all this is really good! I see nothing really image breaking in the drawing, perspective looks correct (outside of the things pointed out).
I would love to see it shaded, since the tail is a huge cylinder this would make great practice with some cool light setup!

Thanks so much for the feedback Luke, this is very helpful! I definitely have plans to put a castle or tower in this piece =) This is my first attempt at a full picture with a character in perspective so it has been quite a challenge. All the feedback has certainly helped me out quite a bit! I will continue working on this piece this week and hopefully have something ready to show before I submit for the art stream this weekend. Ill keep you posted! I am very unfamiliar with using values as I have only attempted several times but I plan on trying. I have had some excellent help that has given me some great guidance in that regard. Thank you so much for your advice I agree with all of it and I will post an update after I have fixed / pushed it! Thanks! :heart_eyes:

You got this man! ;D
Values get so much more easier with experience and practice. You can really feel it get better each and every time.
If you wanna give yourself a challenge, throw in some color / color theory too and it gets even more complex.
Thats why studying values seperate is so much more effective. Start with easy forms like spheres, cubes, cylinders, cones and out of that you can pretty much simplify every object in existence and shade it like you would shade those simple forms.

Your drawing is a really really good foundation where you can pretty much see every form and go from there.

Quick tip: When you get lost in your drawing, try to throw in some flat colors at spots where there is a lot going on.
A lot of the foundation you already drew than gets set in stone and the cluttering gets buried underneath.
It's also a really good tool if you can't quite imagine your drawing in 3D (basically it doesn't look like it has any depth). Throwing in some really basic shading can get your brain in that 3D mindset.

Take it with a grain of salt, other than that I hope it helps at least a bit, everything depends on the person and their experience ;D

That is a great idea! I'm looking forward to practicing values more I had a really good time when I attempted to add them to a head. I will try these tips. Thank you so much!

Nice work on the heads and the perspective! I don't have anything to add to what has already been said.
Keep at it :smile:

Alrighty here is the progress I have made on this this week. Thank you so much everyone for the awesome ideas. I have implemented all of them! Oh except any shading, not quite there yet. I still have lots to do on this, but working on an entry gate to the tower is probably next and snake projectile spit! A lot of this assignment is fairly new to me so it does take me quite some time! Any feedback is always welcome! Thanks so much to everyone for all the help so far! Snake hunter and her companions vs tower of 1000 eyes

Nice work. I'm looking forward to the finished.
Where the tail is wrapped around the column, the volume should be similar in structure.
I'm not sure how to explain it correctly because English is not my native language. I drew a note for you, just like what Xybb did before.