This is my work after about three weeks of practice! I felt a good amount of improvement, some of these, especially the measuring practice took a great deal of time but I was happy with them.
My cylinders after some practice
This is me working on measuring proportions and more cylinders.
This is was my improvement on the pen control at this point.
I also started gesture drawings at this point. Which I found to be the most difficult thing I have done yet. Most of the other work I was able to put as much time as I needed into them to do the best that I can. So I found gesture drawing very frustrating at first.
This is some of my most recent practice!
I practice gesture drawing quite a bit and struggle quite a bit but I keep practicing. After doing this set of 30 second poses I found that I was not getting as much information and struggling quite a bit, so I bumped my timer up to one minute after this set.
This is some one minute gesture practice after another week or so.
This is my measuring practice around this time.
My proportions practice from this time
This is my first attempt at the 1 point perspective assignment.
Here are some more recent gesture drawings
This I also completed a few weeks ago, this is an example of the Dungeons and Dragons stuff I work in in addition to the art school. Nearly all of these assets were made with a mouse so I was pretty happy how it turned out! That's all I have for now. It's so nice to meet everyone and I look forward to hanging out with all of you!
Hello, I just wanted to post some updates. This is some of my progress I have submitted for review last week to the stream and some of the new things I have been practicing since then. Any comments and criticism is welcome!
This was my second attempt at the one point perspective assignment. This took me so much time but I feel like I got a better understanding of perspective. Marc suggested that I add ambient occlusion to this piece to update it so I did that as well in the next picture.
I feel like it makes quite a bit of difference!
Here is my construction for this assignment.
Here are some examples of cylinders / constructions / measuring drawings I submitted last stream.
Those are the pieces I submitted for last weeks stream. Here is some of my newer work and some of the submissions for this upcoming stream.
Marc suggested I move to 2 minute gesture drawings so this was my first attempt, I sometimes take a little bit longer if I am struggling and mark down how much extra time I take next to each figure
I wanted to be able to quickly show the head direction so I did 30 sec head direction sessions and added more if I had extra time.
I feel like the head practice helped in this round of drawings.
Marc suggested for my measuring drawings that I take away the grid that I have used to help measure and use negative space to help position objects of the body, so I was very nervous to draw from reference without using a grid, so I did quite a few quick practice drawings before hand until I could get the figure down in 2 minutes.
I had almost completed my two point perspective assignment before last stream, and I put the final touches on it last Sunday I believe. I added an ambient occlusion pass to this as well and if anyone has any suggestions to enhance this please let me know. The circle in the top right is supposed to be a scrolling menu, but it turned out kind of unclear.
and here is the construction for the 2 point perspective assignment.
Thanks for looking through these assignments from last week and this week. If you have any advice or criticism please let me know! Especially about the Black Cat Cafe assignment. Thanks!