Some work from the previous weeks just been studying heads. Went through Marco Bucci's head course, highly recommend!
Finished up this DTIYS piece.
Kept working on this piece, I still have a few changes to make on it, not super happy with how it turned out but feel like I learned a lot, need to manage lighting a lot better.
Some random trees.
Then I spent a ton of time on the design of my comission page, design is one of my weaker skills and I Really wanted this to look good. So after much blood sweat and tears and a CSP file of insane size I landed on this. I switched to CSP fairly recently and managing all of the alignment and rulers was a really big challenge for me to learn.
So after all this I just grinded Marco Bucci's head course and did a bunch of head practice. His course was great and definitely worth the price.
Then I did some practice for this draw a box exercise that is slaying me.
Then some lighting studies. I wasn't happy with the one on the left, didnt feel like I showed the form very well so I did more.
Then In Marco Bucci's course he suggest to draw these simplified heads he has many times so I started to draw it using a few different construction methods at first.
Then I thought it would be great to draw it 100 more times as a challenge. I really wanted to get the feel for the relationships of the face and the rhythms as my main goal.
I regret doing 100 more for several reasons. First I think I got diminishing returns after the halfway point pretty significantly and secondly I put a lot of strain on my arm, arm soreness is always what keeps me from drawing more and it hurt my workload for a few days.
But I am super stubborn and really dont like failing goals I set for myself so I pushed through. Anyways here are the 100 extra heads I drew.
I made a video on it if anyone was interested in seeing it in video form, but its super speed so hard to see much. I put it on TikTok, the instagram link doesnt seem to be working.
And here is the 100th head, actually about 130th head
Thanks so much for stopping by and reading, feedback is always appreciated and ill see you next time!